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School Counseling


Seabreeze High

Guidance Counselor List


SENIORS:  VCS to Allow Shortened Schedule for Qualified Seniors. We strongly believe that all students can achieve a high level of success. We will continue to work with seniors to allow a shortened schedule, if they qualify. The form below will allow a qualifying senior to shorten their school day to include only those courses needed for graduation.

To be eligible to participate in the shortened school day for this school year, please complete and email the contract:

Email it as an attachment to Cynthia Les (guidance director) to request a shortened day.

Homework Request

In order to request make up work due to a lengthy absence of 3 or more days, the most direct and expedient method is to contact your student’s teachers directly by email. Teachers’ email addresses can be located on the CONTACT tab.

If you are unable to make contact by this method, you may call the Guidance Office at 386-258-4674 ext. 54606.  Please allow two (2) business days for the work to be collected from the teachers.

You may want to call the Guidance Office to be sure the work has been collected before you make a trip to pick it up at the Guidance secretary’s desk.

For further assistance, please contact your student’s counselor.  Counselors’ extensions may be located on the Seabreeze website under the CONTACT tab.  You can also call ext. 54606 and the guidance secretary will connect you to the appropriate counselor.

Cooperative Education- OJT


On The Job Training

Student Work Hours, Credit(s) & Enrollment Policy


This course provides instruction in the methods of acquiring the necessary human relations skills, work ethic, and common knowledge required for successful employment and for selection of a career plan that will guide transition from school to work.
Concurrently, the student is to be paid, supervised part-time employment as a means of gaining experience in the work environment.

On the job (OJT) Course Credit Opportunities

For assistance.  C. Abramski and D. Carrig are school OJT contacts

Virtual Education



VOL Part-Time is available during the school year and a student can simultaneously enroll as a part time student with VOL and still be enrolled as a Seabreeze student.  This combination offers online electives and other course options that may not be available or conflict with their face-to-face high school class schedule.  

  • VOL offers part-time opportunities to students in grades 6-12
  • VOL part-time program is open to all Volusia County students including registered home education students, students attending private and charter schools, and students that reside outside of Volusia County
  • VOL part-time program offers all core subject courses and many electives. Please see our Course Catalog for a complete list
  • VOL courses are offered in multiple platforms to allow students the choice of platform that works best for them
  • VOL courses are accessible to students 24/7 for maximum flexibility
  • VOL has an open enrollment system which allows students to add courses throughout the school year
  • VOL uses highly qualified Volusia County School teachers to provide personalized instruction and one on one support to our students

VOL teachers are available with flexible hours to meet with students virtually or at the student’s zoned school

Complete both steps below to start the process:

  1. Click here to have Seabreeze HS ADD a virtual class to your schedule next year (Available July 15)
  2. Click here to APPLY to VOL for the course you have chosen 



For transcripts up to 4 graduating years prior:  Email FAFRANK1@VOLUSIA.K12.FL.US   You must put "TRANSCRIPTS" in the subject field or it will not be sent

        1. your name
        2. alpha code if you know it
        3. year graduated
        4. if it needs to go to you or a school, include the school name and address

For transcripts over 5 graduation years visit

All transcripts include the following information on them:

  • General Student information
  • Immunization information
  • Academic History
  • Diploma Type
  • Total Credits
  • Class/State Rank
  • GPA
  • Test Scores


Withdrawal Procedures


You will email the Registrar with:

        • your student’s name
        • date of birth
        • alpha code if you know it
        • date to withdraw
        • school they will be going to
        • a copy of your photo ID

You will be contacted to finish the withdrawal. If you prefer to come to the office to do so, you will need the same information and ID.

Office hours during the school year are Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:00pm for withdrawals.

Student Volunteering

Before students begin volunteering, they need to view the Youth Partnership Program (YPP) training presentation. Print and complete the YPP Student Volunteer Post-Test. Bring the completed post-test to Ms. Coy in Guidance or email the completed test to

The training must be completed before students begin recording volunteer hours. 

Training must be completed before students begin recording volunteer hours.

  1. Bright Futures YPP Training Handbook
  2. Bright Futures YPP Presentation
  3. Bright Futures YPP Post Test

Your hours will be recorded on the Youth Volunteer Hours Sheet. In addition to recording hours on an individualized sheet above, there is an informational form the sponsoring organization (non-SHS) must fill out.  For each new organization a student volunteers, they should have the organization or business fill out the Youth Volunteer Information Form.  It must be signed by the organization's contact person.  They can be obtained in Guidance at any time.

Volunteer events will be posted on this webpage, displayed in guidance, and announcements will be made on our daily public address system.

VolunteerMatch is an effective way for to students to match with online volunteer activities. They will match students with people who are passionate about and committed to help.  

Students please visit to find online volunteer opportunities. Volunteer hours are still being required for the Bright Futures Scholarship.