Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Why choose Dual Enrollment?
- College courses and textbooks are free to public school students
- Earn free college credits while still in high school and save money.
Requirements for Dual Enrollment
- Must have completed one high school course
- Unweighted HS GPA of 3.0 (does not apply to Homeschool) and passing score ACT, SAT or PERT tests
- Vocational credit programs require unweighted HS GPA of 2.0 and passing score on TABE test and must intend on completing the entire vocational certificate program
- Home-schooled students must be registered with the school district as a home-schooled student, complete an home school affidavit, and sign a home-schooled articulation agreement
Click on the image to be taken directly to Daytona State Dual Enrollment
Click on the image to be taken directly to Daytona State Dual Enrollment
For questions, speak with our Guidance department. For DSC dual enrollment information, call 386.506.3661 or email dualenrollment@daytonastate.edu or glhousto@volusia.k12.fl.us
Textbook Checkout- Please review this page for information regarding textbook checkout
Note-- Dual Enrollment textbooks are loaned to you just like school textbooks and are the property of Volusia County Schools. You check out and return your DSC books in the media center during normal school hours (8:15-3:45).
Check out DSC bookstore website for the books you need for your classes: https://www.bkstr.com/daytonastatedaytonastore/home
Search for the books you need using your DSC ID number.
Make a list or take a screenshot of what you need. This will help to ensure you receive the materials you need to be successful in your classes.
Come to the media center during school hours with your DSC ID number.
We check out the books to you just like any other textbook. If we do not have the book, we will check to see if another school has the book and request a transfer for you.
If you need a book that we do not have or if it is an eBook access code that you need, you will receive a voucher (charged to SHS) to take to the DSC bookstore. A voucher is used like cash at the DSC bookstore to purchase the designated book.
Return the receipt with the yellow copy of the voucher to the media center before the course completion. (Anything purchased with a voucher is the property of Volusia County Schools and must be returned to the media center at the end of the course or you will be charged).
All books are due within 1 week of the course ending.
Single use access codes DO NOT NEED to be returned.
Note-- VCS Policy states… if you do not return materials within 1 week of the end of the course or as soon as the school is open if the course ends in the summer or during a break, you will be charged for them. If the media center is closed, please hold the materials until the media center is open and only leave with Ms. Danese or Mrs. Franklin.