COVID19 Academic Updates
AVID- ATTENTION rising 9th graders new to Seabreeze High School! Do you want to be better prepared for college, career and life? The Seabreeze AVID program could be a perfect fit for you! For more information about AVID, please visit: Please contact your middle school guidance counselor or Mrs. Seeber, the AVID Coordinator, for more details at: |
Academic Integrity Policy
Seabreeze Sandcrabs are held to high ethical standards in our pursuit of academic achievement. As a student of Seabreeze High School, I understand that academic dishonesty defeats the purpose of education. Cheating, plagiarism, stealing, and lying are neither acceptable nor tolerated. Every task and accomplishment will be a true reflection of my effort. |
Homework Request
In order to request make up work due to a lengthy absence of 3 or more days, the most direct and expedient method is to contact your student’s teachers directly by email. Teachers’ email addresses can be located on the CONTACT tab.
If you are unable to make contact by this method, you may call the Guidance Office at 386-258-4674 ext. 54606. Please allow two (2) business days for the work to be collected from the teachers.
You may want to call the Guidance Office to be sure the work has been collected before you make a trip to pick it up at the Guidance secretary’s desk.
For further assistance, please contact your student’s counselor. Counselors’ extensions may be located on the Seabreeze website under the CONTACT tab. You can also call ext. 54606 and the guidance secretary will connect you to the appropriate counselor.